NTFP VietNam

VOI RUNG Forest Honey from the Bahnar

3-star OCOP certified

An absolute favorite of Winnie the Pooh, Bahnar people from Gia Lai province and us too! 

SKU: 60NDM200 Categories: ,



Bees are vital for our planet! They’re the amazing pollinators that help flowers bloom and produce the fruits and vegetables we eat. According to the United Nations, a whopping one-third of the food we enjoy depends on bees. And it’s not just our food – nearly 90% of wild plants and most of the crops we rely on need animals like bees to pollinate them.

Sadly, bee populations are in serious trouble. Habitat loss from intensive farming, pollution, climate change, and the overuse of harmful pesticides are all taking a toll on these incredible creatures. And guess what? These problems are largely caused by us humans.

If bee populations continue to decline, it will have a major impact on our food supply, leaving us with fewer and fewer things to eat.

NTFP-EP Vietnam is working to protect bees while respecting the traditional beekeeping practices of the Bahnar people, who rely on the forest for their livelihood. We’re also dedicated to teaching sustainable forest management methods in Kon Ha Nung forest, so the Bahnar can improve their lives without harming the environment.

Buying our honey supports the Bahnar community and helps preserve the environment for future generations.


  • Natural Skincare: Unlike lemon, apple cider vinegar, egg whites, or turmeric, which can irritate or harm the skin, honey is gentle and soothing. It calms inflammation, especially after sun exposure or breakouts.
  • Natural Sweetener: Honey is a healthier alternative to sugar, making it suitable for diabetics, those watching their weight, and anyone following diets.
  • Boosts Immunity & Antioxidants: Honey is packed with flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and help prevent common ailments like colds and sore throats.
  • Gut Health: Rich in probiotics, honey supports a healthy digestive system.]


  • For drinks: Mix it with warm water, or get creative with flavors by adding orange, lemon, ginger, green tea, or even milk!
  • For cooking & baking purposes: Honey adds a touch of sweetness and unique flavor to your culinary creations. Use it as a sweetener or in marinades like the Vietnamese braised pork and egg!
  • For daily boost: Incorporate a spoonful of honey into your daily routine to support overall well-being.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Expiry date: 24 months.

Additional information

Cơ sở sản xuất

Cộng đồng Bana

Cách sử dụng

Mỗi ngày ăn một thìa mật ong hoặc uống mật ong pha với nước ấm

Hạn sử dụng

1 năm

Quy cách

Chai / 200ml

Total views : 31961