NTFP VietNam

Voi Rung Forest Honey

Price: 4.15$ – 9.42$ – 17.38$ – 33.50$

Volumn: 100mL – 250mL – 500mL – 1L

Origin: Gia Lai Province

SKU: 60NDM200 Categories: ,


Product information:

Is a product of the Voi Rung Cooperative, harvested by the Bana community in the Kon Ha Nung Forest area – Kbang district, Gia Lai Province, this place is famous for its delicious forest honey, thanks to its abundant natural forest area. In th olden day, people have known the technique of taking sustainable bees to rebuild the herd to harvest for the next batch.

Consumers trust the product because every time they go to collect bees, people will save videos and images to create QR codes on the product labels, and at the same time easily admire the rare honey hunting moments that life has never seen before. often hard to see.

Ingredients: 100% pure wild honey.


Forest honey is very good for health, especially in women’s beauty care.

  • Brighten, smooth skin, treat melasma, exfoliate, remove acne scars effectively
  • Helps to lose weight effectively
  • Improve the digestive system and strengthen the immune system, supplement vitamins for the body
  • Treatment of peptic ulcer disease
  • Detoxification cools the liver
  • Cough treatment
  • Heal wounds, soothe burns
  • Enhance sleep quality
  • Use for processing and cooking to make dishes more attractive

How to use: Mix honey with warm water to drink directly or mix with: orange, lemon, ginger, green tea, blueberry, turmeric, milk… for a variety of flavors. Or used to make cakes, as a cooking seasoning.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Expiry date: 24 months

Additional information

Cơ sở sản xuất

Cộng đồng Bana

Cách sử dụng

Mỗi ngày ăn một thìa mật ong hoặc uống mật ong pha với nước ấm

Hạn sử dụng

1 năm

Quy cách

Chai / 200ml

Total views : 26969